St. Francis School believes in the sacred responsibility of inculcating in the pupils a sense of neatness and adjustment.
4th_Premier Sports Offerings 1

School Uniform

The students have to come neatly and immaculately turned out in their school uniform which is as follows:

Boys: Dark Brown shorts /trousers [Gravera Viceroy D 444 Shade No. 26]
Shirt: White (half sleeve) [Apsara Supreme] Black Shoes, White Socks, School Belt and Tie.

Girls: Dark brown pleated skirt, knee length [Gravera Viceroy D 444, Shade No. 26]
Shirt: White (half sleeve) [Apsara supreme]
Black Shoes, White Stocking (till knees), School Belt, Tie and White Ribbon Band.

Boys & Girls

For Nursery & KG

strongShorts /Trousers/Skirt: Europian Check [Valjee S. No. 18010]
Shirt: Heritage (Blue) [Valjee Shade No. 4708]
Boys: Black Shoes, White Socks, School Belt and Tie.
Girls: Black Shoes, White Stocking (till knees), School Belt, Tie and White Ribbon Band.

Girls must braid hair into two halves and tie them with a white band (ribbon) neatly. The girls of Nursery & K.G. shall wear skirt till below the knee level according to the pattern, approved by the school.
1st_Premier Sports Offerings 1
2nd_Premier Sports Offerings 1
3rd_Premier Sports Offerings 1
5th_Premier Sports Offerings 1
Sports Facilities Overview_6th -Cricket Ground with International Dimensions 1


  • On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays the students shall wear white pants, white shirt, with white canvas shoes
  • On Saturday students should wear house T shirt.
  • Boys of classes VI -XII shall wear trousers and Nursery to V shorts only.
  • In winter, students must wear a V-necked brown sweater brown Blazers and cap/scarf. [Essma woolmark, special 555].
  • A student who is not properly dressed and groomed may be excluded from the class/ fined or sent back home.
  • Bags made of soft materials are to be used by the students for bringing books into the class.
  • Wearing of Uniform at the School every day is compulsory for all under penalty of expulsion from class. Children should, therefore, be provided with sufficient sets of uniforms.
  • Personal cleanliness is very essential. The fingernails should be trimmed, and the shoes be polished time to time.
  • Wristwatch, bangles, hair pin, rings, ornaments, jewellery, money etc. are not allowed in the school.